csütörtök, április 13, 2006

Nő a kollekció / The collection is expanding


Azóta több mint 1000 kép van a galériánkban!!!
Egész pontosan 1079...

Ha a megjegyzéseket is látni szeretnétek a képek alatt, akkor "slideshow"-ként nézzétek (Nem minden kép alatt van).

Jó szórakozást és szeretettel gondolunk Rátok!


Hi Everyone!

Since then there's more than 1000 pics in our gallery!!!
1079 to be exact...

If you would like to see the pictures with comments, view the pics as a "slideshow"... (not all the pictures have comments)

Have fun! Thinking of you with love!

hétfő, április 10, 2006

Megvan a galéria!


Elkészült a galériánk. Az esküvői képeket feltöltöttük már, a többi jön hamarosan...

Ezen a címen találjátok: photos.yahoo.com/sandorbodo

vasárnap, április 09, 2006

Interview with ourselves

Blog Interview Questions

(about ourselves, just for fun)

D = Dodi
J = Joli

What are two of the things you would most like to do if you had more time?

D : Spend more quality time with my wife and get myself into shape.
J : Exercise daily and plan food intake systematically for a healthy and refreshing lifestyle

What are the three destinations you would visit if money or time weren’t an obstacle?

D : Bora Bora lagoon, Burj Al Arab, Maldives
J : Bora Bora, Italy and France extensively

What type of book would you most likely be reading if we saw you?

D : Self education
J : Psychology issues about self matters, relationships, child development and parenting
What’s your dream car?

D : Bentley Continental GT or A Nissan Skyline GT-R
J : Brand new SL500 Mercedes red hardtop convertible with beige leather seats

What are the three most important elements of a happy family, in your opinion?

D : Trust ; Compromise ; Loyalty J : Patience ; Loyalty ; Giving

What form(s) of exercise do you prefer?

D : Basketball, tennis J : Tennis, aerobics, rollerblading, hiking (especially on mountain tracks)


Which would you choose in order of importance if you could choose? (1 being your first choice and so on):
D : an exotic week-long trip
massage and wellness vouchers for six months
a top quality computer or notebook
a huge plasma TV
cleaning services for six months
a professional sound system
J : an exotic week-long trip
massage and wellness vouchers for six months
a huge plasma TV
sound system
cleaning services for six months
a top quality computer or notebook

What’s one thing you would like to learn how to do?

D : To drive a boat
J : Swim freely and with the right technique for safety and fun

What’s one thing you would really like to try/experience in your lifetime?

D : I would like to have a major family reunion, cause that will be an ultimate experience.
J : Cycling/castle touring/wine & cheese tasting combo in Loire Valley

Who would you really like to meet and talk to who you only know through the media?

D : Will Smith
J : Dr. Phil McGraw (American psychologist, life strategist) or GoldieHawn

P.S. We have good news! The photos of our wedding are being uploaded right now...so very soon we will have a gallery where ALL the pics can be viewed. So sorry about the long wait, but we had to wait a month for our ADSL connection. Finally, there's success!

P.S. Jó hírünk van! Éppen most töltődnek fel az esküvői képek...tehát, nagyon hamarosan lesz egy galériánk, ahol megtekinthető lesz AZ ÖSSZES kép. Nagyon sajnáljuk, hogy hosszasan várakoztatok, de egy hónapot kellett várnunk az ADSl kapcsolatra. Végre van siker!