Par percre tolunk van egy atalakuloban levo bevasarlokozpont, ami varhatoan a legmodernebb lesz. Westend helyett Westfield Shoppingtown-nak hivjak. Dupla annyi uzlethelyiseg lesz, mint eddig volt. 400 uzlet es 4 aruhaz lesz benne. Mindvegig uzemelt, nem zart be egy napra sem, bar volt amikor eleg keves uzlet volt nyitva. Most mar eleg nagy resze elvezheto. A tervezese ultramodern es keveredik a japan kultúraval. Varjuk mar, hogy teljesen atadjak es bebarangoljuk. Nem azert mert olyan fanatikus vasarlok vagyunk, de azert nem is vetjuk meg. Szerencsere mindketten szeretunk nezelodni, uj dolgokat latni.
„Beszelo konyvek”. Angolul igy hivjak a CD-re, vagy magnokazira felvett audiokonyveket, amiket mostanban tevekenykedes kozben hallgatunk. A teljes konyvet „kiolvassuk”, anelkul hogy lefoglalna. Igy mellette tudunk egyebeket csinalni. James Patterson iro konyveit szeretjuk tobbekkozt es sorrendben hallgatjuk a konyveit mar egy jo ideje. Epp ma hoztam el a konyvtarbol a legfrissebb audiokonyvet. Ez a jelenlegi konyve az ironak. Kulon-kulon is elvezheto, de egymasra epul a vezervonala, a foszereplo elete. Egy nyomozo es a buncselekmenyek, illetve az agyafurt gyilkosokrol szol, persze erdekes fordulatokkal. A honlaprol szedett kitalalt profiljat kimasoltuk erdekessegkent. Az egyik konyvet - c. „Kiss the Girls” – megfilmesitettek. Morgan Freeman jatszotta a foszerepet es Ashley Judd az egyik aldozat szerepet.
Alex Cross is six foot three, weighs 200 pounds, and is athletic. He still lives on Fifth Street in D.C., with Nana Mama, Damon and Jannie, and Rosie the cat. He drives a Mercedes Benz R 350. Alex Cross is forty-two years old.
PH.D. in psychology from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Special concentration in the field of abnormal psychology and forensic psychology.Upon graduation Cross worked as a migrant farm worker for a year.
Alex Cross went into private practice in D.C. He struggled financially for three years before giving it up.He joined the Washington, D.C., Police Department as a psychologist, working in Homicide and Major Crimes. Cross is a profiler. He works with VICAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program) as a liaison between the FBI and D.C. police. Now an FBI Senior Agent, Cross works in the Hoover Building in D.C.A Washington Post Magazine in-depth article called Cross "The Last Southern Gentleman" and praised him for his work in Homicide. It brought his name to the public's attention.Articles by Alex Cross on the criminal mind have appeared in Psychiatric Archives and American Journal of Psychiatry. He also wrote a diagnostic profile of psychopathic killer Gary Soneji/Murphy.
Alex Cross was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. His mother died of lung cancer when he was nine; his father, a heavy drinker, the year after. He was sent to D.C. to live with his grandmother, Regina Cross Hope (Nana Mama), an English teacher and assistant principal. She is eighty-four years old. Three brothers, two deceased; not raised by grandmother.His wife, Maria, a social worker, was killed in a drive-by shooting that was never solved. He was left with two toddlers; Damon is now twelve and Janelle (Jannie) is now ten.Alex Cross has another son, Alex Jr, age three. His mother, Christine Johnson, who was a principal at the Sojourner Truth School, now lives in Seattle with Alex Jr. Cross lost custody because of the dangers involved in his work. They never married.
St. Anthony's Soup Kitchen, where he is called Peanut Butter Man and Black Samaritan. He offers free therapy sessions.
The piano. Loves to play Gershwin and classical music. Avid reader of fiction and nonfiction. Biweekly boxing lessons with his children.
White bean soup. Least favorite: grape jelly omelette. Enjoys fine wine and beer.
Egeszsegesen taplalkozunk. Az etelunk-italunk 90%-a bio, a tobbi pedig kedvenc zoldsegestol van. Minden nap tobbszor iszunk gyogyteat. Pl. malnalevel-menta tea, sima menta tea, voros lohere-csipkebogyo-szaritott rozsabimbo keverek, erdei sencha, kamilla, meg levendula teank is van!
Minden etkezesunket elore megtervezunk es szorgalmasan szedjuk az ajanlott vitamin kiegeszitoket…
Lassan de biztosan jon a jo ido is es egyre tobbet szeretnenk kint lenni a szabadban. Foleg a biciklizest, setaturakat, uszast es kosarazast varjuk mar nagyon a meleg napsutesben. Ideje kiolvadnunk...
Mult vasarnap mindossze csak 5 -6 fokra emelkedett a homerseklet. Ilyen is mar regen volt errefele. Allitolag 10 eve nem volt ilyen hideg tel.
A kovetkezo ket kirandulasi programunk tavaszra egy helyes kis varoska lesz, ami az alpesi hegyek kozt bujik meg. Neve "Bright" es a fenti kepen lathato. Azt mondjak tavasszal es osszel kulonoskepp szep es a kepek is ezt igazoljak. A masik hely pedig a Nagy Koala. Az alabbi honlapon meglathatjatok az effele latvanyossagokat. Mar voltunk a „Big Pineapple”-t es a „Big Macademia”-t megnezni Queenslanden.
14 meter magas. Melbourne es Adelaide kozott talalhato. Be lehet menni a belsejebe. 1989-ben keszult el. (lasd a fenti kepet)
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