This past week has been shocking for Australians. We have lost two of our icons. First it was Steve Irwin, which has been news all over the world, so you guys probably heard about it on TV, and now Peter Brock. He was a legend in car racing. He never had an accident, but this one time it was fatal. So Australia was in mourning mood all week.
The weather has cooled down too, with only 14-16 degree days… So we’ve been feeling cold a lot.
I (J) also got a strain injury, which stopped me from working out in the second half of the week. I had to stay in bed with it from Wednesday night. It was upsetting because I was beginning to really enjoy my exercise. I was listening to my body and not pushing myself too hard, so it’s hard for me to accept.
On the happier side, we’ve been eating healthy foods and feeling great about our success in weightloss!
The weather has cooled down too, with only 14-16 degree days… So we’ve been feeling cold a lot.
I (J) also got a strain injury, which stopped me from working out in the second half of the week. I had to stay in bed with it from Wednesday night. It was upsetting because I was beginning to really enjoy my exercise. I was listening to my body and not pushing myself too hard, so it’s hard for me to accept.
On the happier side, we’ve been eating healthy foods and feeling great about our success in weightloss!
We hope your week was good!
Az elmúlt hét megdöbbentő volt az ausztráloknak. Két ikonunkat is elveszítettünk. Először Steve Irwin-t, ami hír volt az egész világon, tehát valószínűleg hallottatok róla a tévében, és most Peter Brock-ot. Autóversenyzésben legenda volt. Nem volt sosem balesete, de most az egyszer halálos volt. Így Ausztrália egész héten gyászoló hangulatban volt.
Az időjárás is lehűlt, csak 14-16 fokos napok vannak… Szóval, sokszor fáztunk.
Én pedig megerőltettem magam, amitől nem tudtam edzeni a hét második felében. Szerda éjjeltől ágyban kellett vele maradnom. Idegesítő volt, mert kezdtem igazán élvezni a tornámat. Figyeltem a szervezetemre és nem hajtottam magam túl keményen, így nehezen fogadom el.
Derűsebb oldalon, egészséges ételeket eszünk és remekül érezzük magunkat a sikeres fogyásunk miatt! :-)
Reméljük, a ti hetetek jó volt!
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