looking back towards the Gold Coast...
Hi there everyone!
We thought we'd write a few words in English too, for those of you who want to practice or only understand English.
As you might already know, we spent 11 days and 10 nights in beautiful Queensland, where we stayed on the Gold Coast/Surfers Paradise for the most part. We did go up further north for one day to see "The Big Pineapple", which is an iconic destination in Queensland, known for its pineapple plantation. But the place is not just about pineapples, they grow avocados and macademia nuts too. We bought a great big pineapple to take back with us (which can be seen in a couple of our pics) and also some chocolate-coated macademias...simply delicious!
Then from there we went on to Noosa Heads, which is an oceanfront resort town. Even at winter-time it was bustling with tourists. There we had some truly yummy beer-battered fish & chips under a huge palm tree, overlooking the island-like shoreline.
It feels good to write about this because right now we are freezing. The nights get really cold here in Melbourne. We're actually contemplating moving up north in a few years' time... We'll see how everything turns out. But we are going back again early September for another few days. It'll be even warmer then. On our previous trip it was 20-24 degrees and sunny every day. It felt much warmer though because of the humidity... Now it should be above 25 degrees.
Hope it'll be as sunny as before.
On the homefront, we are very happy and going in the right direction with everything. We started to live extra healthily.... which means most of our products are organic (bio - in Hungarian) and wholemeal. We eat a lot of fruit and vegies, less and less meat and we've been drinking soy milk... We do a detox day once a week, drinking a combination of pre-planned fluids. We even went to see a naturopath and she gave us useful vitamins and antioxidants.
Plus exercise is becoming a big part of our lives once again. So we feel much more energetic these days...
We hope all of you are doing well too and enjoying the lovely summer!!!
Thinking of all of you with LOVE...
J & D
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